Music Gives Life to Everything

Plato insisted that “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”  When we take in good music – it is hard to argue with this.

This week I was pleased to see this at work in several ways. On Tuesday I was at the Chapel at Huron University College where I took in the Service of Lessons and Carols. It was a wonderful musical evening that indeed gave life to everything. Mr William Lupton had his choir in the best of form and, together with the congregation assembled, they made beautiful music. It was neat to be back there taking Lessons and carols for the first time in 16 years.

On Wednesday we had Advent Vespers at St. Aidan’s. We were a small congregation, but we sang the Taize beautifully. As our voices came together in singing, the Spirit was brought to life. Matt Koovisk was our guest musician and did a wonderful job. Music brought soul to the universe. It was special.

I then had opportunity to take in a concert of Frank Turner. The Englishman is a fantastic performer whose music is not just great to listen too, it is also strong social commentary. The London Music Hall was jammed,. I have not been in a mosh pit in many, many, years. It was a great contrast to the Vespers Music I was singing an hour earlier. But it was exhilarating. People in the packed room were liberated and spent a couple of hours really came to life.

Tomorrow night I will cap the week with one of the musical events that I most look forward to each year. Brescia University College’s annual Lessons and Carols. While the event is not large or mighty, it is indeed a profound and life-giving experience. There is something about the simplicity of what Brescia offers in this event. In taking it in last year I was really moved by the voices singing in the beautiful rotunda at the front of the ‘castle.’ It was breathtaking. I really am looking forward to it this year. It really is a special atmosphere and the music is wonderful. I hope some of you can join me at this wonderful event.  Be at the Brescia chapel at 7:15 pm. You will not be disappointed. Indeed I expect that the music that night may give flight to my imagination as i dream about how we might make the gift of the Incarnate God more visible in the world around us.


2 thoughts on “Music Gives Life to Everything

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  1. There is nothing in life that has more awesome power than music. You can be profoundly changed in the time it takes to play (or suggest) three chords. Music brings us together and we share it. We share music i the way we share air. We all breathe it in and out from the same source . Music is the call of the bird, the mother’s heartbeat. Music is a splash of the wave, the crack of thunder. One of my many “Learn to Sing” books explains that: for a short time before, during, and after singing your immune system function is measurably enhanced. This occurs whether you sing well or not! Of course, to sing is to heal and be healed. We all know the healing power of music!

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