About Me

I am glad that you have stopped by my blog. I am an Anglican Priest in London, Ontario. I am rector of St. Aidan’s Anglican Church.  I have been priest in this parish since July 1, 2012. Prior to coming to London I was rector of St. Mark’s by-the-Lake in Tecumseh, ON for 14 years.  Prior to that appointment,  I was the Associate Priest in the Parish of Labrador West. I was born and raised in Newfoundland which has shaped in large measure who I am today. I am married to Catherinanne who is currently Director of Campus Ministry at Brescia University College and Chaplain to HMCS Prevost. I love parish ministry and I love the parish of St. Aidan’s. I am a proud graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland (BEd.), Huron University College (M.Div.), and McCormick Theological Seminary (D.Min.).

I began blogging a few years back as a little bit of a lark. Since then I have become fond of writing and sharing a refection now and again. I love to read and I enjoy good theological reflection. I hope you find this page a good place to engage in theological dialogue.

Please feel free to comment after any blog post.

6 thoughts on “About Me

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  1. Hi Revvy Kevin
    Enjoyed reading about your life with your father and the tributes to him. I would hope that my kids could have the same memories but my life was a little different as I was always looking after the funeral home and for a few years trips to Toronto for the Provincial CPTA and the Ontario Funeral Service Assoc. Don’t know if jerry has told you but I have started on chemo therapy for a rare cancer called Signet Ring Sarcoma, which involves the appendix and the bowel at the base of the appendix..
    I have been referring to the internet and some books and — what I read is not positive so I am grateful for the Cancer Clinic and Hospice and of course, all the prayers I can get so please put me on your prayer list. Seeing the TV news about the hurricane hitting Newfoundland must have given you some anxiety. It appears it will be a while before things are back to normal.


  2. Canon Kevin,I must admit rarely do I ever respond to something of this nature. Dan and I are boy hood friends (55 years) and listening to your words yesterday at Greg’s funeral were very meaningful, thoughtful and consoling. As my daughter Danielle (named after their Danielle as well Dan & Sandie are her godparents) and I sat there listening to yourself, Steve & Nav, I didn’t realize or know the other Greg Lambden, but my daughter sure did. It was nice to find out Greg had a good life despite being in a chair. Thank You again for your kind words.
    John Collins

    1. Hi John
      Thank you for your kind words.
      I have reposted your comment on the ‘blog’ about Greg — I hope that is ok.
      I will leave it here as well.
      May God Bless you for your kind friendship to the Lambdens

  3. May God Almighty bless you and shower his mercy on you. I saw the solidarity at the London Muslim Mosque and was humbled by you and so many other Londoners showing your support in such a time of sadness. Know that these acts of kindness do not go unnoticed especially for those who couldn’t make it; you all represented with pride and we are so lucky to have such spiritual leaders that come together.

  4. Kevin, I read about your Iona communion at the long table in the Abbey I assume. My Priest told me about the Iona service and how wonderful it is. I am going to Scotland in June and would love to experience the same communion especially since we do it at my church the first Wednesday evening of every month. Can you tell me how to get to this church or Abbey on Iona and how I get invited or name on the list please. Thank you so much. Susie

  5. Dear Kevin:
    Congregation Beth El in Windsor has been cooperating with Temple Israel in London this year as we function without a full-time Rabbi, and in learning about their offering your interfaith course “The Bible With and Without Jesus”, I got reconnected with your name. I lost your email address, but with good memories of our time together, I would like to reconnect.

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