Celebrating Youth

Sunday promises to be a great day at St. Mark’s by-the-Lake. It is our Annual parish picnic. There will be bouncy castles, dunk tanks, good food, good games and a lot of fellowship all around. It will also be an opportunity to put the Youth Ministry Program on the front burner. Our 10:30 AM Liturgy will be outside followed by the BBQ. We have had some great conversation these past couple weeks about where we are headed with young people here in the church. The group of servers are coming together and we have been placing attention on plans for the immediate future to grow and train that group. The Sunday School is growing and is great at education our young ones in the faith. Plans are afoot for a youth group or two in the fall. There will be a group from this church attend the Huron Church camp and will no doubt be influenced by positive role models. There is a lot happening that should give us great cause for celebration.


The biggest single thing we have done to move program forward is hiring Jane Cornett One year ago this week to be our Director of Children and Youth Ministry. In one year we have seen the fruits of her labour and we have only scratched the surface of her talents. Jane was first with us at the picnic a year ago and the kids immediately feel in love with her. I am so grateful for all that Jane has been able to accomplish while juggling the demands of her other two jobs and her family. It is important that Jane has the full support of this church community. I have been so thrilled to see how the families here have shown their care and support to her. I can only encourage all of the parish as the days and weeks move on to jump behind all that Jane and the Youth Committee are bringing forward. Ministry to children and youth is crucial to the vitality of any congregation. The young people are vital members at St. Mark’s and we all have to work to help them be fully integrated into this church. We have so much to learn from our young people. Be sure to thank Jane when you see her for her crucial ministry to this place. More than slapping her on the back, offer her a hand in thanksgiving – it will be the greatest thanks you can give!


Sunday will be a great opportunity to hear and see more of what is happening in youth ministry at the church. Come out and participate in the excitement. We are going to bring church to the neighbourhood.

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